Tourism & Social Entrepreneur, Innovator and Global Strategic Advisor
CEO & FOUNDER of top rated luxury brands in the travel and private aviation industry, and social entrepreneurship.
Being an Entrepreneur is one of my passions. I firmly believe that Entrepreneurs can make an impact in building a better world for todosl, helping to solve global problems and eradication of poverty.
And you are determined to make your life be what you want it to be!
Sharing my experiences
Featured in Peruvian TV and sharing some of my work.
Honoured to be featured in Peru’s Official Newspaper “Diario El Peruano” and “Agencia de Noticias Andina” sharing my life story and entrepreneurship inspiring people to reach their dreams.
New Book From Mariela Rurush
Available January 19th!
With my Social Tourism Book, I firmly beleive that tourism can change the world, through my book I want to create social concious awareness in entrepreneurs, travellers and local people.